Hamilton Camp

Welcome To Hamilton Camp


  1. America (Paul Simon)
  2. So Much Comfort in You (Peter Boyd)
  3. On Your Bond (Traditional: Arrangement and New lyrics: Patrick Sky)
  4. I Shall Be Released (Bob Dylan)
  5. The Ballad of Ira Hayes (Peter LaFrarge)
  6. Nectar of God (Patrick Sky)
  7. People in a Hurry (Hamilton Camp)
  8. Come Down (Hamilton Camp)
  9. Trout (Bob Neuwirth)
  10. April Come She Will (Paul Simon)
  11. Honey Wine (Hamilton Camp)
  12. Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (Leonard Cohen)
  13. Now I am Older (Hamilton Camp)

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©2004-2017 Estate of Hamilton Camp
Web site by Valerie Magee of MageeNET - Web Services